Automated Patient Eligibility Checking…
Less Work + Fewer Write-Offs = More Income

With high-deductible health plans and consumer-driven healthcare on the rise, the fact that a large portion of patient responsibility left uncollected at the time of service is eventually written off by most practices, and the high cost of delinquent account collections when compared to simple up front payment processing, being aware of patient responsibility at and even before the time of service is more important than ever.

The Power of Batch Patient Eligibility Checking from Your Schedule

Imagine easily and effortlessly knowing whether your patient was likely to owe a balance at the time of service and knowing to provide a gentle reminder that you accept cash, checks, bank cards or credit cards at the time of appointment confirmation two days before a scheduled visit. Especially when combined with flexible credit card  and ACH (electronic check deposit/bank card) processing, running batch patient eligibility checks frees your staff from endless calls to eligibility lines for supported carriers and equips them with the knowledge necessary to educate patients regarding their responsibility and payment options when the information is most likely to make a difference. For practices ready to take steps to improve up-front collections without burdening front-office staff with slow and inefficient processes (and every staff that relies on patient payments to some measure should be), the combination of powerful scheduling, quick payment processing, and fast, efficient batch patient eligibility checking is simply indispensable.