Keep Your Options Open by Making Your Scheduler Choice Independent of EHR Selection
Standards-Based Interfaces Allow You to Choose the Best Scheduling Solution
With optional HL7 standards-based interfaces for ongoing demographics and appointment export to your EHR or other third-party software solutions, your office is free to choose the best scheduler based on your operational and front-desk needs without tying those critical areas to the success or failure of your EHR implementation or the shortcomings of less efficient and less flexible EHR-based scheduling solutions (this is very significant since a large portion of EHR implementations have historically resulted in failure).
Avoid Double-Entry of Patient Data and Appointments
Available in a demographics-only version and a demographics+appointments edition, the BrickMed Schedula™ HL7-based modules are designed to facilitate the ongoing, automated export of basic patient demographics and/or appointment data to third-party healthcare software solutions including EHR’s. New patients, updates to demographics, new appointments, and updates to appointments (including rescheduled visits and cancellations) can all be automatically captured and transmitted instantaneously or in batch mode for acceptance into countless third-party software solutions running the gamut from prescription systems to full-blown on-premises or web-based EHR’s.
Risk-Free Implementation Policy
Our HL7-based interface solutions are designed to maximize your freedom-of-choice when it comes to clinical systems selection and are backed by the world-class support and consultorial sales practices that have made BrickMed one of the most respected names amongst knowledgeable medical business consultants and practice managers alike. We are so confident in the quality of of our interface implementations that we happily defer accepting an order or payment for interface modules until we have tested and demonstrated our interface with the clinical system of your choice to your satisfaction!