Collect Copays, Sell Products or run a 100% Cosmetic Practice? We’ll help your office hum.
Most healthcare practice management systems are so inefficient when it comes to handling self-pay transactions that many front desk staff members would sooner tell patients to “wait for a statement” than accept payment given the opportunity. Whether you are simply accepting co-payments, selling ancillary products such as cosmeceuticals and supplements, or collecting large surgical deposits for self-pay cosmetic surgery patients, the ability to quickly and efficiently process payments at the front desk or in the patient coordinator’s office is critical to encouraging good payment processing habits and maintaining a healthy cash flow.
Post Charges at Checkout or Later… The Choice Is Yours
Many practice management systems encourage poor payment processing habits by making staff members jump through hoops if they want to post pre-payments (what we term “patient deposits”) ahead of posting charges, assuming they support the functionality at all. We help you quickly and easily capture patient payments at the most natural point in your workflow while making it easy to confirm that pre-payments have been properly accounted for and applied. Whether you post charges before or after capturing payment in a given scenario should be a business decision rather than a matter of adjusting to the limitations of systems that were never designed with real-world self-pays in mind.
Handle Healthcare Service and Product Sales Efficiently in a Single System
On the surface it may seem that the demands of efficient insurance billing and the demands of front desk retail checkout might be at odds. In fact, if you judged by the design of most practice management systems you’d be right. From support for bar code scanning to sales tax reporting to (optional) fully integrated inventory management (and yes- even posting medical services!), practices that rely on hybrid revenue streams need solutions that spare front desk staff from the need to deal with multiple checkout systems. Brickell Medical Office gives you a single, easy-to-use screen for posting both retail product sales and healthcare services quickly and efficiently.
Product Sales? Know Your Margin and When You’re Running Low
Painless Inventory Management
Although many practices find that the powerful core reporting built into Brickell Medical Office suffices in product sales settings by permitting them to track product sales by brand or other categorizations, some need to go a step further by automating the tracking of inventory levels, re-order conditions, product costs & margins, and the cost basis and impact on stock on-hand of compound products (e.g. a multi-item post-laser cosmeceutical kit) . Our optional Inventory Module is just the tool for practices looking to improve product tracking and profitability reporting with minimal effort!