Fine-Tuned Flexibility So You Can Get Patient Statements That Are Just-Right… Easily
While some systems saddle you with a single, inflexible (and often-confusing, from the patient’s perspective) statement format, still others try to address the problem by asking you to roll up your sleeves and tackle a statement customization job only a bored (and well-trained) database programmer could love. We give you the power to customize your statements with easy-to-understand options derived from almost twenty years of thoughtfully addressing real-world statement requirements.
Tired Of Stuffing Envelopes? Shop For The Best Statement Clearinghouse Statement clearinghouses can be a great way to free staff of the burden of printing and envelope-stuffing so they can focus on activities that bring more value to your business. In fact, many practices find that such services prove very cost-effective once the total cost of in-house statement generation (printing, staff time, envelopes, and postage) are taken into account. That said, many software companies limit their customers’ choice to a single clearinghouse (often to a plan with very uncompetitive rates) toward assuring themselves of a cut of your fees. BrickMed Office includes a powerful print-to-file feature designed specifically to be easy for statement processors to handle- you can either use one of our favorite clearinghouses or submit samples for mapping to one of your choice. Our goal is to help you do what’s best for your practice.
Are Your Receipts Practice-Appropriate?
Our walkout statements (or “encounter receipts”) are powerful specialized checkout statements that can be easily customized to suit your practice’s needs. Whether simply documenting a deposit, a copayment against a service, providing patients with detailed receipts (including coding information) for self-submission of insurance claims, or providing a quick checkout for retail product sales- your front desk and patients alike can benefit from clear, easy-to-understand receipts that can quickly and easily be adjusted to reflect your patients’ requirements.